Monday, December 23, 2019

Marijuan An Addictive Illegal High Or A Medical Treatment

Marijuana can be viewed in two ways: an addictive illegal high or a medical treatment drug. Marijuana first and foremost is an illegal drug, and can land you up to 7 years in prison just for possession or up to 14 years in prison for the supplying and production of the drug. However, marijuana is not all bad. It can be used for medical purposes (shown in certain states of the USA). Many people are unaware of this, so this leads us to the question: Marijuana; legislation or a continued ban? Marijuana has been found to aid certain medical conditions and in the US, 23 states have legalized the use of the medical extracts from the plant. For example, ‘cannabis oil’. Glaucoma is a disease which can harm the nerves in the eye and can lead to permanent blindness. According to the National Eye institute, marijuana can relieves the fluids in the eye, reducing the stress on the eye. Studies began in 1978, studying the effects of marijuana in diseases like glaucoma and marijuana was proven to be a vbremedy for the disease. Other serious medical diseases i.e. Cancer have been linked to marijuana in the case of the drug reducing the effects of the serious disease. These cases have proven marijuana is a medical drug and can be used to treat diseases. However, in the UK there is no legalisation of any kind for the drug. Therefore, they are unable to conduct any cases with marijuana involving patients. Due to marijuana’s reputation of being an addictive high and, just like any other drug,Show MoreRelatedThe Miracles of Cannabis Essay example957 Words   |  4 Pagesadvancements being made in the medical field with cannabis. Cancer patients are finally receiving some relief from nausea, among other symptoms, with this much known and popular drug. Also, our soldiers and veterans returning from the war overseas can get relief from the posttraumatic stress depression they are burdened with on a daily basis. Some even say that if they use it with the onset of a migraine, it prevents the migraine completely. Cannabis has more medical value then some people realize

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